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Testimonial fra Dr. Swan;

IngerBerit is a wise woman with a huge heart and years of intensive spiritual work and metaphysical study under her belt. She has deeply insightful abilities that endow her with a special ability to see many sides of a problem and great perception and understanding of the issues that face humanity and cause imbalances and disharmony. 

Absolutely dedicated to the highest possible outcomes, IngerBerit (EarthAngel in English) can be trusted to provide you with the best possible care, attention to detail, professional assistance and divine support to heal and transform your health and your life. 

With her dedicated training in Sacred Self-Mastery, SOLEI 17 and Christess-Christ Light as well as the quantum bio-resonance frequencies, IngerBerit is an extremely well-prepared practitioner with the tools to assist you to heal, find answers and solutions to your issues and help facilitate your own journey to becoming healthy and aware and evolve into your higher potential. When you work with IngerBerit, you are in the safe hands of a beautiful being!

mer om hva folk sier...

'I have done various sessions where Inger Berit was the facilitator of the Solei 17 system.
She showed a first-class insight into my issues and used the system effectively and intuitively.

After the sessions I felt as if my burden had lifted and I felt remarkably lighter, ready to go through my week again.
Many thanks for helping me out, Inger Berit.'  (Carlo)

'Etter behandlingen/healingen jeg hadde med Inger Berit, har jeg hatt noen veldig aktive og kreative, gode uker. Spennende opplegg, som jeg kan anbefale!'

'The Solie17 healing sessions with Inger Berit opened up a gentle clear and calm space for healing to occur. I felt grounded aligned and open to recieve.

Thank you so much for yesterday's really supportive calm and grounding experience. The Solei17 card reading was very enlightening and relevant and made complete sense of what is going on for me.' (Veruna)


'Jeg vet ikke om det er øktene, healing og deg, men antagelig er det det. Jeg har i hvert fall mye mer energi om dagen. Både humør og sinn føles mye lettere. Tungsinnet jeg kjente tidligere - blåst bort! Og jeg sover mye bedre om natten! Takk!' (HM)

'My Soleil17 sessions with Inger Berit were profound and on point. Not only did I resonate with the results, but in the time following the reading, I felt the energy moving within my body. I appreciate the additional support and guidance that Inger Berit provides to ensure the best possible outcome. I felt much calmer, grounded and connected following my readings.' (Shannon)

© 2023 by Inger Berit,

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