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About Inger-Berit

At baptism I was named after my two grandmothers and given the name Inger-Berit.  Later in life I was both shown and told that my name holds the meaning Angel-Earth or EarthAngel, connecting heaven and earth, the metaphysical with the physical.  Getting to know myself, connecting with the Divine, my soul and complete my mission in this life, has been and is my great aspiration and longing.

In my mid 40's I had a profound meeting with my Soul, this calling led me on to a spiritual path. In 2015, after10 years together with an esoteric yoga school, I was guided to the doorstep of Dr. Swan. Not only did this meeting help to save my marriage, later she became the Divine messanger and conduit that saved the life of my husband twice. What I have attained through her teaching, healing and mentoring constantly helps me to know and to master myslef. I have made steps and evolved like I did not know of or think was possible for me in this lifetime. Through her, the Divine has helped me to ground and get ready for the future, in short, brought me to the place I can live and serve from today.

I was born and grew up on a mountain farm in the eastern part of Norway. Being outside in nature was what I liked the most.  All my life I have been a spirit longing for truth and freedom. As a child I had a great faith in God and the universe. This has never really left me, except during my 20's-40's, when trying to fit in to a busy life I forgot both about myself and the Divine. Years with taking on too much work on most areas reached a climax. Universe sent me a wakeup-call as a  breakdown that brought me back to the search for a better way to live my life, and how to heal and fullfill it.

I am who I am, and I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother,
a sister, aunt, friend and colleague.


Ask Inger-Berit

Whether you are curious to work with me or want to learn more about any of the information presented on this webpage, or feel drawn or called to join the Solei17 or Genius family where you can get sacred knowledge and systems to heal yourself and others, EarthAngel is here for you and welcomes you to get in contact.

  By understanding your needs and working together, I am able to help you find the information you seek, and/or guide and suggest the next steps or the best healing and way forward for you.

The button below takes you to my e-mail,
or simply send me an e-mail directly on the following adress:

My Qualifications

 2023, Christess-Christ Light Course, Dr. Swan

2021, Solei17 teaching training, Dr. Swan
2020, Solei17, Divine Eternity, Italy, Dr. Swan
2016, SoulStar 7 Crystal heart, Dr. Swan

2016, Limitless, Bali, Dr. Swan
2015, Sacred Self-mastry, France
, Dr. Swan
2014, MahaVidya Tripura Sundari, Danmark, Natha

2013, Shakti In Ecstasy, Greece, Natha
2011, International Yoga symposium, Romania, Natha
2005-2015 Natha Yogaschool (10 years practice & theories)
2004-2007 Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN)

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