Longing for true peace and freedom?
Ready to follow the calling of your soul?
Face it - Feel it - Heal it
Do you feel dis-ease at a part or level of your being, or do you feel 'off' and suffer without knowing exactly why or because of what? Don't despair, help is closer than you might think or know.
You were probably drawn to this site for a reason. The Divine purity and help of the Solei17, the Sacred Order of Light, Energy and Information 17, is brought to this world by Dr. Swan. Working with me as a facilitator, under the sacred wings of the Solei17 is a protected and guided path towards greater knowing and awareness that help you to heal and shift, and connect you to your inner peace and light.
"As above, so below, as within, so without,
as the universe, so the soul..."
~Hermes Trismegistus
To live as a free human being is a God given birthright that nobody or no-one is entitled to take away. What you build on the outside comes from within. To manifest a free world, and a life in outer freedom, starts with a healthy self mastery and inner work that generates freedom within. From the inner world it blossoms through your decisions and actions and creates your reality, thus your life and creation mirror your inner world, and the inner and outer world depend on and mirror each other. So, make sure you are the one at the wheel, and protecting your energies. 'Thieves' are always ready to grab what is valuable. And is there any greater treasure than a human soul and the gift of life given to us by our Divine creator?
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."
~ Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Navigating through the jungle of challenges that bombard humanity today, more than ever people are in need of a well functioning inner compass, and through their inner knowing and Divine connection discover the truth and reason that helps to navigate and manifest their best life possible.
Open up to discover how the Solei17 may help and assist you! Also visit Dr. Swans webpage, get inspired by its light and dive deeper into the well of sacred knowledge and ways taught by her that will help and support you towards your sovereignity!
If you feel drawn to this webpage and information, please leave a message or a question for us to connect.
The images and mandalas on this web-page are copyrights and creations of Dr. Swan. The mandalas are personalised for me.